Nervous about driving at night? You have every right to be. According to one study, 60% of drivers have driven while they were exhausted, and 37% have actually fallen asleep at the wheel. … [Read more...]
Putting your Vehicle Into Storage
Long-term storage of a vehicle isn’t as simple or straightforward as it may sound. For starters, you'll need to maintain your vehicle prior to storing properly. Furthermore, you might be considering … [Read more...]
Your Car Insurance Claim, Steps You Should Take and What to Expect
Do you know what to do when you get into an auto accident?How about a situation like this one: You’re driving down the highway at the speed limit when suddenly, a car veers in front of you to make … [Read more...]
Advertised Insurance Features
Car insurance commercials are a dime a dozen; simply turn on the TV or radio to hear the latest promotion, discount, or other benefit being promoted by the biggest companies. The problem is these … [Read more...]
Six Reasons Why You Need Car Insurance
How much car insurance do you really need? How do you ensure you are not overpaying for too much coverage? While these are good questions to ask, they emphasize the wrong mindset when it comes to … [Read more...]