Be the proud captain of your ship this summer with personal watercraft coverage through Homewood Insurance. Protect yourself from getting soaked by high costs from accidents and natural disasters. At Homewood Insurance, we offer coverage for nearly any type of watercraft. From speed boats and fishing boats, to sailboats, house boats, jet skis, and canoes. We get to know you and take into consideration how you use your boat before hand-selecting the right coverage for you. We’re confident we can find the right coverage to protect you and your boat, regardless of the shape or size.
What Does Watercraft Insurance Cover?
Although all coverage plans are different, watercraft insurance typically works a lot like your car insurance. Having the right coverage can help protect you should you be involved in an accident on the water, your boat is stolen, or it’s damaged by hail or a storm.
Comprehensive Boat Coverage
Comprehensive coverage will help to protect your boat if it is damaged by something other than a collision. Damage from fires, storms, vandalism, and hail all may be covered under comprehensive.
Collision Coverage
Unfortunately, a peaceful day on the lake can quickly turn into a disaster if you lose control of your boat. Whether you’re involved in a major collision, or a small case of accidental “bumper boats” while it’s docked, collision coverage will help repair or replace your damaged boat.
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage
We’ll make sure you’re covered properly should someone else be injured due to a boating accident where you’re found to be at-fault. Bodily injury liability coverage will help cover the high costs associated with medical payments, court fees, and defense costs should you be sued.
Property Damage Liability Coverage
Similar to bodily injury, property damage liability will help protect you if you damage another person’s property in a boating accident. From complete boat losses, to engine and equipment damage, this coverage can help get your fellow boater back on the water as soon as possible.
Consider These Additional Watercraft Coverages
In addition to our standard watercraft coverages, we offer these additional options from a number of top-rated insurance companies.
“Boatside” Assistance
Roadside, or in this case boatside, assistance coverage may provide fuel deliveries and on-water towing if you end up getting stranded on your watercraft.
Uninsured and Underinsured Boaters
Similar to drivers, many boaters are underinsured or uninsured. Because of this, we offer uninsured and underinsured boater coverage. This coverage helps to protect you from high medical costs or defense fees if the other boater isn’t carrying adequate insurance.
Watercraft Wreckage Removal
In the unfortunate event that your watercraft sinks or is destroyed, watercraft wreckage removal coverage can help with the expensive cleanup process.
Contact Homewood Insurance for a Free Watercraft Insurance Quote Today
We know insurance, we know Wisconsin, and we want to get to know you. Schedule an appointment for a one-on-one meeting where we will assess your unique insurance needs. You’ll leave knowing you’re in good hands with an agency that’s on your side.